Work from Tannaz Farsi’s Sculpture 393 class.
Irene Chau / Alex Harris / Joslyn Jones / Kyra Jorgensen / Gerald Merritt / Bryan Varga
Work from Tannaz Farsi’s Sculpture 393 class.
Irene Chau / Alex Harris / Joslyn Jones / Kyra Jorgensen / Gerald Merritt / Bryan Varga
A documentation of the spaces in-between, settings of anonymity, liminality and transition; the non-place. Here, the man-made is taken over, shadows are solid as earth, opposites interact, and overgrowth obscures all but the corners of narrative. This work takes inspiration from the New Topographics and from the photographic work of Robert Adams, Stephen Shore, John Divola, Lewis Baltz and Richard Misrach.
Desi Colley
Brad Hodgin
Ben Lucke
Video games made by Art & Technology Program students, mostly in the ARTD 410 Game Art course. Exhibition organized by faculty member Rick Silva
Today You Think You Will Empty Out Your Bones By Gaby Burkard /
Jumanji 2: Dark Jumanji by Liam Donnellly /
(with let’s play by Vinesauce) play through video
Curio by Aidan Grealish /
Millrace 2000: The Millrace of the Future
by Daniel Lopez /
by Thomas Newlands /
black+ ambiguous simulator
by Deandra Stokes /
In the garden surround
these light light
A light cutting
Work by MFA’s Kayla Thompson, Jennifer Vaughn, and Natalie Wood.
Exhibition of faculty and student work in the Product Design Department. The exhibition will be from Oct 23rd to 27th, and the opening event will be on Wednesday from 4 to 6pm at the LaVerne Krause Gallery.
Kiersten Muenchinger
John Arndt
Trygve Faste
Wonhee Arndt
Hale Selek
Erdem Selek
Tom Bonamici
Mikey Trueherz
Jerry Jiang
Brian Hoke
Ella Hansen
Xander CuizonTice
Sawyer Hagen
Caleb Williams
Yang Li
Stephen Tang
Eden Otenburg
Jeff Whitaker
Alex Tang
Yiming Ding
Brian Hoke
Angela Chen
Ella Hansen
Emily Friedberg
Ben Miosi
Dana Goetsch
Dillon LaGrange
Josh Lyman
Genevieve Gallagher
Jacob Stranahan
Josh Lyman
Tin Le
Maelle Hily
Caleb Williams
Yiming Ding
Emilio Halperin
Elijah Klauder
(Not) your paint-by-the-numbers kit from Michael’s.
Not) something your five-year-old could make.
(Not) an image instead of an object.
(Not) an object instead of a image(???).
(Not) Dead is a collection of visual statements by Izzy Cho and Tricia Knope. This is a painting show(???) satirizing painting and its dichotomy between elitist inaccessibility and ubiquity within popular culture.
“The Last, Show of the Year” is a compilation of work from a group of undergrad artists Han Cao, Ross Doyle Jr., Austin Esterline, Michelle Ferguson, and Daniel Shaw, who have worked in close proximity for over 2 years. Their work has grown and changed, each influencing one another aesthetically and intellectually. This show marks the first time they have been able to exhibit some of those overlapping visual and conceptual concerns together.
The University of Oregon School of Art + Design is pleased to present the work of 10 MFA candidates entering their second of three years of study. Serving as the first exhibition of the 2017-2018 school year, “Middle Child Syndrome”, will feature work by Aaron Bjork, Talon Claybrook, Leah Howell, Sumer Khan, Daniel Miller, Neal Moignard, Stephanie Parnes, Aja Segapelli, Kayla Thompson and Jen Vaughn. Their compilation of diverse calculations hovers as an associative playground where connections between artists are unintentional yet accessible.
The University of Oregon Department of Art is pleased to present the work of the 15 Bachelor of Fine Arts students who are finishing their degrees in 2017 all together in a final group exhibition. The featured artists work in a variety of medias including sculpture, photography, painting, ceramics, mixed media and installation.
Andrei Blaskowsky
Daniela Cardenas-Riumallo
Sean Cline
Melissa Curtis
Danny Escalante
Henry Feldman
Mitchell Halvorsen
Natalie Justema
Lucy Lyon
Abbie Lueken
Kameron McBride
Marley Melchiorre
Tanner Milhulke
Cody Parks
Jingjie Wang
Tenuous Threads invites you, the participant, to interact with the work as you will. Presented here are opportunities, connections, and moments; the potential activation of a memory.
Privilege the experience.
A BFA Thesis exhibition by Natalie Justema, Kameron McBride, Tanner Milhulke.
Improvisational Techniques & Color a mixed media BFA thesis exhibition by Melissa Curtis, Danny Escalante, and Mitchell Halvorsen. While the work ranges from printmaking to large scale installation to abstract paintings, these three artists share an interest in how techniques and materials can be used to achieve their individual desired visual results
This show is for your body and soul. It exists to make you come back wanting more. Whether it’s about the body, giving a body to that which has no right to a body, or uses the body to make you question yourself, this show has it. If you have a body, bring it to the LVK May 15 through 18th for “Perpetually Moist”, a BFA Thesis exhibition by Sean Cline, Cody Parks, and Jingjie Wang.