Featuring new work from Sajad Amini, Claire Anderson, Devon Devaughn, Eden V. Evans, Tannon Reckling, Ian Sherlock Molloy, Caroline Turner, Nathan Ward, Carol Yahner, and Kevin Yatsu, COHROT presents a wide-range of production, investigation, and exploration. At times playful, serious, unified, and disparate, the varying methodologies and modes of output exemplify the spectrum of intuition within the first-year MFA cohort.
Everything is an ecosystem
One aeffects the other
Cling on to what can be grasped
In the shift there’s something to discover
#hope #history / #surfnturn #TYN / #puppy #intimacy / #boom #(…) / #q #softbodysimulation / #love #flowersandshit / #contingency #ancestrality / #rational #notirrational / #array #consortium / #diaspora #institution